You know that time in life when you just all the sudden feel like is tossed upside down. That happened this morning. My husband's job is getting bumped because the union on the line, is pulling rank and saying that their contract says anyone who is hired at the company now, needs to be a bid in from the line. Since my husband was working for a temp agency, they have to end his time there. Which means he is out of a job. Again. Can I just say that for the 3rd time that Unemployment has hit our home, I'd really like a little stability to our family's life.
I've really been praying all day today. Started from 5:30 this morning. When I first found out that although via email last night they told my husband to be in to start shift at 9am. (He had started to cc ing his staffing agency since he felt like something just wasn't right, on every email.) Then got a call this morning saying that he wasn't needed since he didn't come in at 5am. (Uh what? Yeah.. I was confused also.) He then got a call from his staffing agency. They didn't understand what was going on, and then also got a call that all temps that were in the office area of that company, (him and 3 others) positions were no longer needed. And all those positions were now being bidded on.
I felt like screaming at first. But I didn't. Instead I prayed. The day after the Easter, it's a test to my faith for sure. I love Jesus, and he for sure Loves me. I learned a lot yesterday that faith is something that only you can break, not anyone else. The Lord has strange timing. I don't know what is to come. I sure hope for a job for my husband. I know sometimes things like these are a strange blessing in disguise. I just feel upset that it's has had to be these 3 times in a row. I know that if I set my faith in his guidance we'll make it through this. We've been placing faith in him all this time and we've been okay thus far. There is just so much uncertainty. Now we just wait for the call that might change our lives for the best.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Us Fuller's have been super busy again, and I haven't found much time to blog. I am finally able to sit down on a Monday morning, and enjoy some coffee and quiet time. The girls are off to school, Eric is off to work, and I'm actually sitting down and blogging!!
We have just finished up cheer for the two older girls. It was our first year cheering and it was an okay experience. Not a complete fan of one of the coaches, but the awesomeness of the other coaches and their support of caring about the girls, made up for it. Hannah said that she might want to do it next year also. We'll see if she keeps that attitude until then. Emma said that she will want to try basketball. I just like them having an activity to do. Keeps them outta trouble, and I know where they are at and with who.

Emma will be starting soccer soon. She hasn't played before and is really excited to try something new. I know she will have fun. Hannah isn't going to do anything for a little bit. She wants to try coach pitch in the summer, which will be fun for her, since she hasn't try that sport yet.
We still have been in full swing of selling Girl Scout Cookies, for Hannah's brownie troop, and we are finally done as of Sunday. She hit the 250 boxes sold with the last two booths, and that was a bump above her goal. Which, she is so happy about. She isn't going to do girl scouts next year, but I am glad so far has had a great time actually earning badges.
We have also been battling the sickies, thankfully it's skipping the two older girls and only has hit Eric and Lilly. Eric has been hit hardest with 4 different infections that all hit at once. Luckily they were all able to be treated with one antibiotic and seems to be on the mend. I've been praying that he rebounds quickly and so far God's been answering that prayer. He still has a nasty cough but, his ears have been feeling better. He is back at work today.
My tasks today are painting doors, laundry, and dishes. I know exciting day in store for sure!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Busy Little Bees

I had a chance to take some ME time, which a mom of 3 doesn't happen too often. Although, when it does, it feels great! I got my hair done and trimmed up a little bit too. I love my highlights!! I had all dark brown hair before the highlights and needed a little umpf put back into my style!
See for yourself. It's been a while since I did anything durastic to my hair, (read: 5 years ago) and I had some subtle highlights in more recently but not like these! I am currently growing my hair out and I really like how it seems to be growing with the very light layers towards the bottom. Nice to feel more than just a mom and more like a Lady. Just nice to take care of myself a little better.
Hannah our oldest is in Girl Scouts and is a Brownie. We had her first booth of the year last weekend. Saturday they sold 70 boxes at a local Walgreens. They took pity on us, and let us set up inside, thankfully, because the wind and cold weather was horrible. It was pretty steady during the 3 hrs Hannah was there and she had a good time.
Emma our middle daughter had a birthday party to attend and I had a great time watching her having so much fun! I also got to have some Adult talk with other mom's which, if you're a mom of a small kid, you know how nice it is to talk with another adult after a week of talking with a 3 yr old. It was a lovely change and I really enjoyed it. Emma had a great time seeing friends from school, that she didn't usually see on a weekend.
They both had Cheer last weekend as well. They cheer for a local family center and really like it. They go to the basketball games there and cheer indoors. I love them being indoors, because it really helps with the nasty colds that have been floating around the kids at school. I don't have to battle the wet and rain on top of those colds. The girls have started to make friends with some of the girls there, which is nice. The girl's took photos last week and I hope to get them soon! I will definitely post them on here, to share with you.
This week, I've been doing a lot of just general running around, nothing out of the usual. I get to help out in Emma's classes every other Thursday. This week, they are participating in a Penny War. Where students of the class bring in Pennies for their own bucket, and then bring in Silver coins for other classes buckets. The Silver is then added up, and they take that out amount out of their pennies. My Emma has been so driven to find any pennies that might be laying around, that I thought I would surprise her and bring in $20 of rolled pennies. She was so excited! Hopefully tomorrow, they will bring in enough silver, to bomb the other classes.
The money is all being donated to a great great cause. Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio. This organization makes it possible, through donations, to fly Veterans of Northwest Ohio, fly down to see their war memorial. For Free! It's a great cause, and these kids will make the day of a veteran or two! Tomorrow I get to go back and help kids tie off some, tie off blankets that are being given to a local organization called The Mustard Seed. They help lower income people, with a number of things and items. These kids will have a blast tomorrow.
My husband Eric, has been blessed with an opportunity to "test run" a Manager Position at the employer he is at right now. It's a great chance for him to become a manager, and only about a month into him even working there. It's very awesome of them to let him do a test run to see if it's something he is interested in. I think he will do fine and success will come to him very quickly in this position. He is a very passionate person, and knows that God is playing a large role in his life. Especially after answering our prayers for this job to begin with. He's learning to work for God instead of working for himself. It's really awesome to see him transform as a new Man. I am really blessed and lucky to have him as a husband. He is a hardworking individual and I love him very much. Our daughters have a great Dad who loves them very much. I am so glad the Lord has placed him in my life.
This weekend we are going to have another game to cheer, and a little bit of running around. I unfortunately am going to miss a church sale I wanted to go to, but my sister in law is going to look around for me, since Lilly has been growing like a weed! Lilly went to a Well Check and is 40 lbs and 40 inches tall! Square and lean. Growing like crazy! Before I know it, it will be her 4th birthday! What am I going to do?
I heard her singing along with Building 429's -Where I belong in the car the other day. I love it when small things like her singing along with songs, make my day. I think that KLove is wearing on the girls, and I much rather them sing songs about Jesus and our faith, than songs about stuff grown adults talk about and do. Hannah is starting to learn some of the songs and even searched for one of the songs tonight just to listen to. Love the great things KLove's music is doing in my family!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
"One Good Thing" by Jillee: No-Grate Homemade Laundry Soap
So as I blogged before I had made homemade laundry soap. My recipe calls for the grating of ivory or Fels-Naptha bar. Well Jillee over at One Good Thing has a new recipe that I am surely going to try! :)
Check it out!
"One Good Thing" by Jillee: No-Grate Homemade Laundry Soap
Check it out!
"One Good Thing" by Jillee: No-Grate Homemade Laundry Soap
Friday, February 24, 2012
His Whispers
As of recently I have been taking the KLOVE challenge and listen to KLOVE only for 30 days. See how the Lord changes your life. So far I love KLOVE! Their music is up to "date" and I have to say my outlook on life recently has been in a positive light.
I was listening yesterday and Casting Crowns' Song "Just Another Birthday" came on. I had heard it a good amount of times, but today I was only with one of my daughter's, and if you're a mother of daughters, you and I both know that the less amount of daughters in the car with you the more you can actually hear the song. Haha! My daughter Lilly was with me and she is usually very quiet in the car.
I noticed that while being in the car with her I heard this song in a whole new light. I think that over the last 9 years I've been dealing with the grief of my dad passing away. He was never able to be a grandfather to my kids, and I know he would have enjoyed so much to spend time with them. I had my first daughter after he had passed unexpectedly. He had a heart attack and I had a hard time dealing with never really getting to say good bye. I still have a hard time now and then.
After hearing these lyrics from Casting Crowns' Just Another Birthday:
Jesus can You hear me
Come and heal my brokenness
Put the Pieces back together
And to be a Father to the Fatherless
I know that the context of the song, is an entirely different situation, but I felt a realization to my questions of why it all had to happen. I felt like God had said, " I took your father from you because he did all he needed to do for me. I am now the Father you need to rely on. I am to be the Father to you, the Fatherless. I was indeed broken inside, needed to heal and needed Jesus in my life. It's really been eye opening to me. I shouldn't dwell on the grief, in fact grieving should be done, but not dwelled upon, Jesus has been there the whole time, but I wasn't open to seeing him in the first few years. It's becoming easier to leave my troubles at Jesus' feet. Knowing that the Lord would hear my prayers, and putting my faith that he will handle it in his time.
I have to say I finally feel like my question of "Why did he have to die?" has been answered, and reaffirmed through this song's lyrics. It was like a light bulb popped on. He was here for the things the Lord felt he needed to teach me. Now I need to use those things he taught me, and let God be my father through these times of life where I need a father figure.
Proverbs 3:6 Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
It's taken me 9 years to realize this. The Lord never gave up on me. For this I am humbled and feel Loved.
I was listening yesterday and Casting Crowns' Song "Just Another Birthday" came on. I had heard it a good amount of times, but today I was only with one of my daughter's, and if you're a mother of daughters, you and I both know that the less amount of daughters in the car with you the more you can actually hear the song. Haha! My daughter Lilly was with me and she is usually very quiet in the car.
I noticed that while being in the car with her I heard this song in a whole new light. I think that over the last 9 years I've been dealing with the grief of my dad passing away. He was never able to be a grandfather to my kids, and I know he would have enjoyed so much to spend time with them. I had my first daughter after he had passed unexpectedly. He had a heart attack and I had a hard time dealing with never really getting to say good bye. I still have a hard time now and then.
Jesus can You hear me
Come and heal my brokenness
Put the Pieces back together
And to be a Father to the Fatherless
I know that the context of the song, is an entirely different situation, but I felt a realization to my questions of why it all had to happen. I felt like God had said, " I took your father from you because he did all he needed to do for me. I am now the Father you need to rely on. I am to be the Father to you, the Fatherless. I was indeed broken inside, needed to heal and needed Jesus in my life. It's really been eye opening to me. I shouldn't dwell on the grief, in fact grieving should be done, but not dwelled upon, Jesus has been there the whole time, but I wasn't open to seeing him in the first few years. It's becoming easier to leave my troubles at Jesus' feet. Knowing that the Lord would hear my prayers, and putting my faith that he will handle it in his time.
I have to say I finally feel like my question of "Why did he have to die?" has been answered, and reaffirmed through this song's lyrics. It was like a light bulb popped on. He was here for the things the Lord felt he needed to teach me. Now I need to use those things he taught me, and let God be my father through these times of life where I need a father figure.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Flash Back Friday- 1985
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My Mom and I 1985 |
My Flash Back Friday is from 1985 of me and my Mom. This has to be one of my favorite photos of my Mom and I. She looks so young and vibrant then. She was about my age (30) in this photo. My mom is now into her 50's and has a few medical problems now, and isn't able to move around as much as she could have back then. I really would love to have her back to her vibrant self, but it's not that easy. She always was and still is lovingly cautious of us kids. You can see by her standing so close to me. She was this way with my kids, and is with my sister's daughter Madie. In this photo, I especially love my too short bangs. She has often told me that I was horrible at keeping candy and food out of my hair, and had to even cut my hair sometimes to get them out, so she would always cut my hair shorter in the front because of it. Yes, at one time I even had girl version of a mullet.. I should really pull that photo out! It's hilarious! Anyhow, in this photo, when I look at it, I often pray that my Mom heals from some of her ailments and that is able to move around better each day. Because I know I love her a LOT and so does God. Thanks for stopping by! :)
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Flash Back Friday- 2008
Flash Back Friday Link up! Come link up with your flash back post over at
She was in the NICU for the first few days of her life, and I didn't get to hold her for a good couple of days. Which killed me by the way, since my other children were born without any complications and nobody told me about what you might feel when you don't get to hold your baby right away, or might have breathing problems. Her whole story is HERE. She was so cute, her cute little chubby(raw from the nose canula stickers) cheeks and her little quaint look, I fell in love with her right away. How could you not?! I had a new found respect for NICU nurses, and at the time there was another little girl in the room with her. We were so fortunate that we were able to take Lilly home only after a few days. The other little girl was born many weeks early, and was half of Lilly's 7 lbs. She did finally go home, a few months later, but still I was thanking God for the gift of our daughter going home. I remember it feeling so empty at our house without her there. There was a definite puzzle piece from our family puzzle missing until she came home. Lately, she's doing better of course, and is learning what preschool is all about, but Lilly is what was on my mind this week.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Flash Back Friday- 2008
Flash Back Friday! Come join in the fun!! Link up and share!

My girl's are all growing up! It was only 2008 in this photo and Emma was 2 years old! She is now 5 and 1/2! I love this photo because she was so innocent here. It was summer time, and she was wearing her favorite little dress. She loved just running around in the grass.
Her hair cracks me up. It's always been really unruly. Especially after a nap. Which this photo had to of been taken after a nap. You can tell by her eyes being so puffy. Her hair is still pretty stubborn. But I at least know how to tame it a little more now.
She had such huge cheeks then too. Since then she's grown into her cheeks. Though, they are super cute and I loved kissing them. Now she's not so open to me kissing them all the time, haha, but she loves hugs and kisses all the same. Thank goodness she's learned how to smile now. Haha! Her poor "smile mama" smile, although cute, would not cut it today!
My girl's are all growing up! It was only 2008 in this photo and Emma was 2 years old! She is now 5 and 1/2! I love this photo because she was so innocent here. It was summer time, and she was wearing her favorite little dress. She loved just running around in the grass.
Her hair cracks me up. It's always been really unruly. Especially after a nap. Which this photo had to of been taken after a nap. You can tell by her eyes being so puffy. Her hair is still pretty stubborn. But I at least know how to tame it a little more now.
She had such huge cheeks then too. Since then she's grown into her cheeks. Though, they are super cute and I loved kissing them. Now she's not so open to me kissing them all the time, haha, but she loves hugs and kisses all the same. Thank goodness she's learned how to smile now. Haha! Her poor "smile mama" smile, although cute, would not cut it today!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Order or not in order...
How do you get organized, or a new routine down? Are you a throw it all down on a list and check it off as you go? Or are ya a place for everything and everything in it's place type? Or maybe you're a labeler/boxer-upper type.
Well whichever one of those fits your style, it's a sure sign of how easier your days flow, from the start of the day headed out the door, to the end of the day when you're all crawling into bed. If you're a mom like me, I like my mornings to not be rushed, and flow easy going. It usually helps when you have multiple kids, to get the older ones involved with doing things for themselves. It's always a teaching/learning experience at the beginning of the school year for us. Making sure that all bus schedules match up in some sort of order, that we all get out the door with the right bags, coats and paperwork. We had a routine going at the beginning of the year. Then Lilly started school and she goes to school on the bus now.
That means I wake up at 6:45am to get her up and dressed then, me up and dressed, and looking semi presentable to the bus driver. Yea, it's rough some mornings. I at least try the night before to get the coats, bags, and shoes near the door. And have the older two daughters to pick out some of their clothes. It helps. But there are some mornings where I just feel like 15 extra mins of laying there, in bed, not moving is my better situation.
I don't know how many mornings, I've spent searching for something I just put on the counter, to only find that one of my small little humans have took it upon themselves to move it to a whole another room. So I try to clip anything important up high, on the fridge, and announce that if they touch it, they might lose a limb.
Another idea so that our family can function pretty easy, has been The Calendar. I even get abnoxious about it and buy the HUGE one that you usually keep on your desk. I learned the hard way, that if you want your husband to be in the know, it usually has to be in BOLD so I write everything down. It's not all color coordinated or anything like that but it's definitely filled up. It's a life saver and it keeps the husband and I talking about our days.
So what is your favorite thing that keeps your life organized? Share with me!!! =]
Well whichever one of those fits your style, it's a sure sign of how easier your days flow, from the start of the day headed out the door, to the end of the day when you're all crawling into bed. If you're a mom like me, I like my mornings to not be rushed, and flow easy going. It usually helps when you have multiple kids, to get the older ones involved with doing things for themselves. It's always a teaching/learning experience at the beginning of the school year for us. Making sure that all bus schedules match up in some sort of order, that we all get out the door with the right bags, coats and paperwork. We had a routine going at the beginning of the year. Then Lilly started school and she goes to school on the bus now.
That means I wake up at 6:45am to get her up and dressed then, me up and dressed, and looking semi presentable to the bus driver. Yea, it's rough some mornings. I at least try the night before to get the coats, bags, and shoes near the door. And have the older two daughters to pick out some of their clothes. It helps. But there are some mornings where I just feel like 15 extra mins of laying there, in bed, not moving is my better situation.
I don't know how many mornings, I've spent searching for something I just put on the counter, to only find that one of my small little humans have took it upon themselves to move it to a whole another room. So I try to clip anything important up high, on the fridge, and announce that if they touch it, they might lose a limb.
Another idea so that our family can function pretty easy, has been The Calendar. I even get abnoxious about it and buy the HUGE one that you usually keep on your desk. I learned the hard way, that if you want your husband to be in the know, it usually has to be in BOLD so I write everything down. It's not all color coordinated or anything like that but it's definitely filled up. It's a life saver and it keeps the husband and I talking about our days.
So what is your favorite thing that keeps your life organized? Share with me!!! =]
Friday, February 3, 2012
Flash Back Friday 2003-2012
So This is my 2nd Flash Back Friday! Come join the fun!
So this week is also for Hannah, my oldest. Only because her birthday was on Tuesday. She's Nine now! So much has happened over the course of 9 years! We have found out that she has a mild(for lack of a better word) case of Hemihypertrophy. She's got a natural heart murmur(which isn't hindering her at all), and a whole bunch of fabulous other things that make her HER!
Hannah has turned into a loving, compassionate, silly, beautiful, sister, creative, smart, friend of Jesus, apathetic friend to others and a wonderful daughter. Eric and I, are so blessed with her in our lives. <3
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Keep Asking!
My husband Eric had been out of a job since October 27th of last year. It's been a hard time, having to tell our children "No, not right now." or " We don't have the extra money for that right now." It was hard, but necessary. I had said a lot of, "Be grateful for what God has already given you.", "You know there are other children who don't have any toys." and "We are really blessed because people care about us, and God has put them in our lives." I felt like a broken record.
My oldest was really upset about it, and very worried about us not having a place to live, or stay. Although, that was never a topic, she just assumed the absolute worst. I was so heartbroken for her. I continued to tell her to talk to Jesus about it, and to know that we wouldn't be on the street. To continue to ask Jesus to bring Daddy to the right job. Also to continue to ask him to continue blessing us and others.
My middle daughter, she just has the optimistic attitude that maybe next time she'll get it. It was hard to tell her no a lot too, because the things she wanted was little things. But the little things add up, and I always felt that she wasn't going to understand, but then she started to realize that " No" didn't mean never. Thankfully.
She asked when Daddy was going to get a new job. A lot of the time, I said in my head, "Lord I hope you bring him one soon." , but I always told her I didn't know but to please pray for Jesus to lead him to the right one.
My youngest Lilly, she's 3 and 1/2. She's completely unaware that Daddy isn't leaving the house like he used to. She just likes playing with him while he is home.
Me, I just kept praying everyday, asking him to continue to bless us. Thanking him for the ways he works, and how he has continued to supply us with the things we needed. Each night, it was different, but the same. I continued to place my faith in God, and continued to ask and praise and a day came when my husband got a phone call.
He had been told that they wanted to hire him for a job. He went in interview went well and he came home to tell me that it was between him and 3 other people. There we sat waiting for the call. I dunno about you, but waiting for a call is torture. It's like the time moves slower. But the next day the lady called back and said that they chose someone else. BUT. Now.. there's always a but. She had one more place that she would pass his resume to, and get back to him. My husband was disappointed. He thought for sure that it was the one for him.
The waiting continued and they wanted to meet for an interview. He went to the location, and from the very start, everything was messed up. They said he was there on the wrong day. Although, he was actually there on the right day. They rushed him through the interview. Never let him ask any questions. Told him it was for the wrong shift, wrong rate of pay, even wrong position. He left really upset about the whole thing. He was feeling very nervous and unsure of what was going on. He was even contemplating to NOT take the job. I told him that maybe we should just wait over night and sleep on it. I asked God that night to show him the right thing to do. We went to bed nervous, but open to see what God wanted.
The next morning, I felt compelled to tell my husband that he should take the job. I was so tired of seeing him just hang out at the house, like he was lost and not sure what he was going to be doing. So I just said, "I think you need to take the job." He of course was like, " Huh?" But then I said, "Maybe we just need to wait this out a little bit more, and see if God works further?"
That's just what he did! Day 1 of training Eric comes home, and has a funny smirk on his face. I ask him what's so funny?? Well, turned out that he went in and trained for a few hours with the lady who he would be working with. He got pulled outside for a few minute to talk to the manager, and they told him, "Well Congrats you are new 1st Shift Shipping and Receiving Clerk." What?! Turned out the lady who was training him lied on her application, and they had to let her go. First, of course, I was so excited for him. It was exactly what he wanted! Then I felt bad, since someone had to lose their job in order for Eric to get in there. So, I said prayers for that lady. And I praised God for working in our lives. I just had to continue to ask, and ask and ask. God heard my prayers. He even answered. He gave me 3 different answers in that time. Wait. Nope not this one, and Yes! It was hard to see it while it was going on but it definitely showed.
My oldest was really upset about it, and very worried about us not having a place to live, or stay. Although, that was never a topic, she just assumed the absolute worst. I was so heartbroken for her. I continued to tell her to talk to Jesus about it, and to know that we wouldn't be on the street. To continue to ask Jesus to bring Daddy to the right job. Also to continue to ask him to continue blessing us and others.
My middle daughter, she just has the optimistic attitude that maybe next time she'll get it. It was hard to tell her no a lot too, because the things she wanted was little things. But the little things add up, and I always felt that she wasn't going to understand, but then she started to realize that " No" didn't mean never. Thankfully.
She asked when Daddy was going to get a new job. A lot of the time, I said in my head, "Lord I hope you bring him one soon." , but I always told her I didn't know but to please pray for Jesus to lead him to the right one.
My youngest Lilly, she's 3 and 1/2. She's completely unaware that Daddy isn't leaving the house like he used to. She just likes playing with him while he is home.
Me, I just kept praying everyday, asking him to continue to bless us. Thanking him for the ways he works, and how he has continued to supply us with the things we needed. Each night, it was different, but the same. I continued to place my faith in God, and continued to ask and praise and a day came when my husband got a phone call.
He had been told that they wanted to hire him for a job. He went in interview went well and he came home to tell me that it was between him and 3 other people. There we sat waiting for the call. I dunno about you, but waiting for a call is torture. It's like the time moves slower. But the next day the lady called back and said that they chose someone else. BUT. Now.. there's always a but. She had one more place that she would pass his resume to, and get back to him. My husband was disappointed. He thought for sure that it was the one for him.
The waiting continued and they wanted to meet for an interview. He went to the location, and from the very start, everything was messed up. They said he was there on the wrong day. Although, he was actually there on the right day. They rushed him through the interview. Never let him ask any questions. Told him it was for the wrong shift, wrong rate of pay, even wrong position. He left really upset about the whole thing. He was feeling very nervous and unsure of what was going on. He was even contemplating to NOT take the job. I told him that maybe we should just wait over night and sleep on it. I asked God that night to show him the right thing to do. We went to bed nervous, but open to see what God wanted.
The next morning, I felt compelled to tell my husband that he should take the job. I was so tired of seeing him just hang out at the house, like he was lost and not sure what he was going to be doing. So I just said, "I think you need to take the job." He of course was like, " Huh?" But then I said, "Maybe we just need to wait this out a little bit more, and see if God works further?"
That's just what he did! Day 1 of training Eric comes home, and has a funny smirk on his face. I ask him what's so funny?? Well, turned out that he went in and trained for a few hours with the lady who he would be working with. He got pulled outside for a few minute to talk to the manager, and they told him, "Well Congrats you are new 1st Shift Shipping and Receiving Clerk." What?! Turned out the lady who was training him lied on her application, and they had to let her go. First, of course, I was so excited for him. It was exactly what he wanted! Then I felt bad, since someone had to lose their job in order for Eric to get in there. So, I said prayers for that lady. And I praised God for working in our lives. I just had to continue to ask, and ask and ask. God heard my prayers. He even answered. He gave me 3 different answers in that time. Wait. Nope not this one, and Yes! It was hard to see it while it was going on but it definitely showed.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Flash Back Friday- 2007
I came across a super cute blog hop/topic over at Melissa Nevaeh Jiedyn , which is a new blog I now follow and she has Flash Back Friday's. Where you pick an old photo and blog about it. :) Here's mine.
This is my daughter Hannah. She's my oldest. In this photo, she had gone to a Toledo Mudhens game with her Daddy, as a father/daughter fun day. It was in 2007, she had been a big sister for a total of a year and wanted some special time with Daddy. She had a blast at the game. Daddy spoiled her with Popcorn and soda. Had a chance to visit with Muddy and Muddonna, who is the Toledo Mudhen's Mascots. Everyone loves them!
Hannah is turning 9 on this coming Tuesday. When I took this photo, I couldn't believe that my little girl, was growing up way too fast. She had her cute little hair all swept up, pinned back, and flashed her, "Haha! I'm growing up and you don't know it" smile! Great memories. I am so happy and my heart is filled with love for her because of how she has turned into a wonderful girl. She's compassionate, loving, and thoughtful. She tries her best at all things, and wants for others to succeed. She's wonderful. This photo makes my heart so happy. :)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Making Friends
With those who have children, making friends usually comes easy, you share a pencil, toy or other random object, fireworks happen the bond is made and you're now friends. Usually. Now I know that many children who have special needs, this isn't always the case. This is the case for our youngest. She's usually friendly with all children. Though she doesn't lock arms with a special friend, until she is finally learning social cues, and remembering them. It's really hard for a parent of both children who have special needs and kids who do not have special needs, to remember some times that they won't be on the same levels on many things. While hoping your child does surprise you and show you new things.
Lilly has had a lot of new things happening in her life. She had went without OT for a month. Started a new school routine, starting from never being in school to even riding the bus all by herself to and from school. She's learning a new routine throughout the day. Which is hard with a child who thrives on routine, let alone a child who is 3 years old. She's learning that she is able to do somethings by herself, and tells me so. (Yay for independence!!!) She's finally learning that things are okay to do without Mom and Dad right near by. Coping skills are going through the roof.
We had been asking Lilly about children at school. If she had any friends at school. She's been going for about 3 weeks, and thought, " Okay she should have at least a friend that she likes the most out of all the kids in her class." At first, she would become real shy and not say anything when we would bring up school and friends. She and I laid down the other day for a nap, hoping to spend a little quiet time before she actually went to sleep. I had to work at it, but after having her talk about her favorite toys at school, I popped the question. "Do you have a favorite friend at school?" Lilly started to smile, "Yes...." "You do?! What is their name?" Lilly whispered, "Izzy". In my head, I shouted, " FINALLLLLLLLLLLY!!!" and did a happy dance. Ha ha. I finally got her to open up to me, and tell me with her own words, who was a friend to her. She continued that they like to play in the kitchen area together.
Her SPD and anxiety has caused her to not be the touchy type, and that's okay. I'm sure that she will learn to cope with hugs and such from other people, since she has already learned that it's okay with us, her family. She has a friend and has become comfortable with her. That is such a huge thing for Lilly, and I celebrate that for her, and with her. In her own ways. Just being able to get her to convey that she has a friend verbally, is fantastic! She's learning to verbally express herself, slowly but surely. A pace, that might not be what "regular" kids might be at, but she's progressing and that's all I ask of her.
Lilly has had a lot of new things happening in her life. She had went without OT for a month. Started a new school routine, starting from never being in school to even riding the bus all by herself to and from school. She's learning a new routine throughout the day. Which is hard with a child who thrives on routine, let alone a child who is 3 years old. She's learning that she is able to do somethings by herself, and tells me so. (Yay for independence!!!) She's finally learning that things are okay to do without Mom and Dad right near by. Coping skills are going through the roof.
We had been asking Lilly about children at school. If she had any friends at school. She's been going for about 3 weeks, and thought, " Okay she should have at least a friend that she likes the most out of all the kids in her class." At first, she would become real shy and not say anything when we would bring up school and friends. She and I laid down the other day for a nap, hoping to spend a little quiet time before she actually went to sleep. I had to work at it, but after having her talk about her favorite toys at school, I popped the question. "Do you have a favorite friend at school?" Lilly started to smile, "Yes...." "You do?! What is their name?" Lilly whispered, "Izzy". In my head, I shouted, " FINALLLLLLLLLLLY!!!" and did a happy dance. Ha ha. I finally got her to open up to me, and tell me with her own words, who was a friend to her. She continued that they like to play in the kitchen area together.
Her SPD and anxiety has caused her to not be the touchy type, and that's okay. I'm sure that she will learn to cope with hugs and such from other people, since she has already learned that it's okay with us, her family. She has a friend and has become comfortable with her. That is such a huge thing for Lilly, and I celebrate that for her, and with her. In her own ways. Just being able to get her to convey that she has a friend verbally, is fantastic! She's learning to verbally express herself, slowly but surely. A pace, that might not be what "regular" kids might be at, but she's progressing and that's all I ask of her.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Mother Nature is on the Fritz again!
I tell ya! I really think that Mother Nature has gone wacky! My hometown is West Seattle, Washington. Growing up I think we had maybe a handful, maybe two of school closings when it came to winter weather. It's true that it does rain a lot there. But, usually is during the winter months and early spring. I think I only remember 1 time where we got sent home because of weather that was coming. When we got snow, it usually was only an inch or so and the whole city shuts down. It sounds ridiculous but it's true! Seattle is full of hills and nobody knows how to drive in the stuff. It's as if common sense flies out the window at first sign of a drop of a snowflake. So people are finally thinking, and are staying home.
Here in Toledo.. well it's winter. It's finally here, and we are due to get another 3-5inches by Saturday morning! It's going to start coming down overnight heavily, but they said around 3pm we'll be getting a few snow showers. With all the snow, my biggest pet peeve is scrapping the car. I am usually the one to get the girls up and running in the morning. I usually have to go out and brush off the trailblazer and scrap the windows. Now, visualize a oompa loompa trying to brush off a huge pickup truck. Yes. That's pretty much me, nil the orange. I'm 5'4" and it's a job all in itself. So I had to find a easier way. There has to be an easier way to get this ice business outta here!
So I went to Pintrest.. why well I heart Pintrest! And there are a ton of great links to ideas on Pintrest. That's what it's all about! If you're not there, let me know, and I will send you an invite! So I came across these Pins.
They have a few different routes to take, but all easy! I really hope these help you!
If you have any other tips PLEASE Share them with me!! I love simple and easy stuff to get rid of the nasty icy mess that mother nature brings!
Here in Toledo.. well it's winter. It's finally here, and we are due to get another 3-5inches by Saturday morning! It's going to start coming down overnight heavily, but they said around 3pm we'll be getting a few snow showers. With all the snow, my biggest pet peeve is scrapping the car. I am usually the one to get the girls up and running in the morning. I usually have to go out and brush off the trailblazer and scrap the windows. Now, visualize a oompa loompa trying to brush off a huge pickup truck. Yes. That's pretty much me, nil the orange. I'm 5'4" and it's a job all in itself. So I had to find a easier way. There has to be an easier way to get this ice business outta here!
So I went to Pintrest.. why well I heart Pintrest! And there are a ton of great links to ideas on Pintrest. That's what it's all about! If you're not there, let me know, and I will send you an invite! So I came across these Pins.
This first one is a list of help tips on winter whoas. It's from Few helpful tips, and who doesn't like tips right!? My favorite from them is the sanitizer tip!
The second one is from .
They have a few different routes to take, but all easy! I really hope these help you!
If you have any other tips PLEASE Share them with me!! I love simple and easy stuff to get rid of the nasty icy mess that mother nature brings!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Old Man Winter.
It's been an unusual winter her in Toledo, Ohio. It's been 40's and slightly balmy. Our usual coldest two weeks of winter was suppose to be last week and the week before. It's been rubbing everyone the wrong way, because well we are used to having at least 5 inches of snow by now. We're all ready for the winter to begin, and though we might not like it, other than the snow fun we can have, we know it's on it's way. But it's really taking FOR-EV-ER to get here.
Today we woke up to a dusting, and that was after the news channels made a huge deal, saying 2-4inches, to an hour or two later to just a dusting, maybe an inch. We've been having to listen to our kids, for weeks now, tell us "WE WANT TO GO SLEDDING!!" Heck, I even want to go sledding! A little background here. Each year that there was a substantial amount of snow, I was pregnant and couldn't go sledding. To be honest here, I really am a fan of sledding. Now that my girls are all old enough, they are going to go out and have fun with Mom in tow now that I am not pregnant and have no other health problems! Can you say EXCITED!
So last year, we had this fun mess of snow for the first big snow.
You can definitely tell there was a good couple of inches there. It was close to a foot. My husband Eric is out there shoveling in that photo. You can see Lilly, who was experiencing the snow for the first time last year, really enjoyed snow angels. She is even excited for the dusting of snow we got today.
All and all we are ready for some substantial snow. So Old Man Winter, Bring it!
Today we woke up to a dusting, and that was after the news channels made a huge deal, saying 2-4inches, to an hour or two later to just a dusting, maybe an inch. We've been having to listen to our kids, for weeks now, tell us "WE WANT TO GO SLEDDING!!" Heck, I even want to go sledding! A little background here. Each year that there was a substantial amount of snow, I was pregnant and couldn't go sledding. To be honest here, I really am a fan of sledding. Now that my girls are all old enough, they are going to go out and have fun with Mom in tow now that I am not pregnant and have no other health problems! Can you say EXCITED!
So last year, we had this fun mess of snow for the first big snow.
You can definitely tell there was a good couple of inches there. It was close to a foot. My husband Eric is out there shoveling in that photo. You can see Lilly, who was experiencing the snow for the first time last year, really enjoyed snow angels. She is even excited for the dusting of snow we got today.
All and all we are ready for some substantial snow. So Old Man Winter, Bring it!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
New Year, New Adventures
Hannah and Lilly, my oldest and youngest, are both cursed with my horrible ear problems. They have both had drainage tubes placed, Hannah twice, and Lilly once. It's been a trial on Hannah mostly, especially since that Hannah is getting older and is starting to remember more and more. Although, I wish I would have remembered more of what happened when I was 5 and 6years old, I know it wasn't all fun.
I took the two girls to the E.N.T. today, I was actually gearing up for the worst day possible because Lilly really dislikes doctors, and the last trip we took here it was her screaming the entire time and they weren't even 2ft near her. So, we did a lot of prepping. A lot of "What is going to happen at the doctors appointment tomorrow?" and " He is going to look into your ears with the peeker and then the other ear." And I mean A LOT of that. Well today it paid off! Lilly sat on my lap and did fantastic. Not a peep, and although sat a little guarded, she turned her head for him to take a look without a fight. I was so happy! Not a tear and she was great.
With anxiety and her sensory problems, it's been a struggle when it comes to doctors. Not to mention, she's 3 years old. It's just the age. I was so surprised that she did as well as she did. Not to mention proud of her. She starts school tomorrow, and although its only half day, she needs extra interaction with kids her age. I am hoping that she starts finding some motivation to go on the potty with the other kids also going. She's going to have a good time but those teachers are going to have their hands full with her. She's on her own terms, and I am constantly trying to break her of her own terms, put a little structure here and there, and she fights me. So I know she will fight them.
I am ready for this New Year, and it's adventures, lets hope the girls are too!
I took the two girls to the E.N.T. today, I was actually gearing up for the worst day possible because Lilly really dislikes doctors, and the last trip we took here it was her screaming the entire time and they weren't even 2ft near her. So, we did a lot of prepping. A lot of "What is going to happen at the doctors appointment tomorrow?" and " He is going to look into your ears with the peeker and then the other ear." And I mean A LOT of that. Well today it paid off! Lilly sat on my lap and did fantastic. Not a peep, and although sat a little guarded, she turned her head for him to take a look without a fight. I was so happy! Not a tear and she was great.
With anxiety and her sensory problems, it's been a struggle when it comes to doctors. Not to mention, she's 3 years old. It's just the age. I was so surprised that she did as well as she did. Not to mention proud of her. She starts school tomorrow, and although its only half day, she needs extra interaction with kids her age. I am hoping that she starts finding some motivation to go on the potty with the other kids also going. She's going to have a good time but those teachers are going to have their hands full with her. She's on her own terms, and I am constantly trying to break her of her own terms, put a little structure here and there, and she fights me. So I know she will fight them.
I am ready for this New Year, and it's adventures, lets hope the girls are too!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year! 2012 is Here!
I had been struggling with my name for a while on my blog. I haven't felt at home per say with The Faulty Pen and have finally come to my new name! Hoping that it will help with new blogs to come, I plan to blog about my 3 little girls, (Which aren't so little any more!), family life, and more DIY adventures I go on. :) So we're moving on with:
I hope it's(my blog) fun for you all to read this year, and look forward to blogging more this year. :) Thank you so much for following and I hope that you all have a very prosperous, blog filled New Year! :)
3 Lil Hoots!
I hope it's(my blog) fun for you all to read this year, and look forward to blogging more this year. :) Thank you so much for following and I hope that you all have a very prosperous, blog filled New Year! :)
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