Monday, December 26, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Day I received a call from a family member saying to come over and pick out some goodies for the girls, since she had a huge assortment of stuff from when she went shopping throughout the year. She was so generous and filled a box of stuff to give to the girls. It was so nice to know that family was there for us, while the husband doesn't have a job right now.
I hope that your Christmas was a blessed one, and you were able to celebrate the life of Jesus. Many warm blessings throughout the year to you and yours!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Day After Curls
Here is what she had to work with this morning.
I am pretty sure I will be killed in my sleep someday, when she finds out that I posted these photos on my blog, but until then lets all have a good chuckle at these curls. They are pretty great! So I think that if I had a chance to redo them, (and trust me I will put her through this again lol) I would roll them the opposite direction, and even maybe horizontally for more "ringlets" type curls. I would also choose to use thicker chunks of hair. It seem's that most of this is just trial and error. I added some curl gel to them this morning and it helped with the singling out of the curls.
We'll get the final thoughts on this from the kids at school. Because you know out of the mouths of babes...
Monday, December 19, 2011
No heat curls!
Its a no heat way of getting curls. My
I used a cut up old tee shirt, and it seemed to tie off pretty well. I am hoping that she has fun loose curls and I will be taking photos in the morning to show you all. I am sure she will be just as excited for those photos before school time. :)
The Life of Unemployment and God.
This morning at the bus stop, I had to tell my daughter no, that we couldn't get a present for an exchange at school. Even a 2 dollar gift for a girl, that they send a note the week before, throws me off, and well we just really can't afford it. I haven't really flat out told my daughters that we have nothing for extra stuff, because well they settle for the "We just don't have it right now." excuse pretty well. I am hoping that the teachers plan for things like that.
Now, God plays into this too. He will provide for the things we need, at his own pace. Which right now doesn't seem to be at my pace, but that's something I work on everyday. Learning to put my faith in him through prayers, and patience. So far we have not gone without. He always comes through with whatever is needed. It's just a frustrating time of year. Hoping that although my mother in law is always a great grandma to our children and they, thanks to her, are going to have a great Christmas, I hate having to depend on others for my children's happiness.
It's really difficult to not break down in front of my kids, and luckily we were able to get them each 3 toys for under our tree, which actually is what I wanted under our tree. Why you ask? I wanted them to learn that when Jesus was born, he was given 3 gifts. It was enough for him, why would it not be enough for them? Not only that, I really want them to know what the gift that God gave us, with the birth of Jesus. To learn that they will always find hope and faith in God no matter what happens, and praying that our needs are met, no matter what time it comes, its in his plan. Jesus gives us the chance to pray to God and for him to listen to our prayers. I hope that God has been hearing their prayers. I have asked them to pray for their Dad, for their family near and far, and for friends and people they don't even know. Asking God to bless them with the same things that we are so lucky to have.
I am usually an optimistic person. I say usually because, well I'm human and sometimes things just happen, and I can't bare it all. This is when I usually say, "Jesus take care of this because, I can't bare it alone!" It's easier said with your mouth, than with your heart. Sometimes I have to ask multiple times, but it does finally lift off of my heart.
Sometimes you have to remember that God gave you free will. Mistakes are made, by your choices of free will. You also can not keep blaming old mistakes or sins, you've got to move on from them, and learn from them. My husband's last job was a double edged sword. 12-16hr shifts 7 days a week sometimes, not knowing if he would be working a 8, 12 or 16hr shift because in their contract, they have 20 mins before your shift ends to let you know what you will be actually working. But the paychecks were nice, and we had all our bills paid each month and extra money to spend if we wanted to use it. My kids didn't get to see their Dad, except on maybe the weekend, because 2nd shift is the shifts of weekend Dad's and Mom's. But it was a job, and we weren't struggling. I don't know how to say this without sounding ungrateful, but How is a family supposed to function, without a parent around during the week. How is a sick parent able to rebound from being sick, if they expect you to work those kind of hours? I've been praying for a first shift job for my husband. I don't even care what they pay him at this point. I know God will provide for whatever we need, but I hate seeing my husband here, just unhappy and depressed, and feeling like he is failing his children and wife.
I just ask that if you pray, please pray for our family and that our needs are met, our faith is strengthened and that we as a family become closer.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
1st Dental Visit..Check! Meltdown...Check!
I always prepare for the worst, hope for the best and when it's horrible for her, I don't feel extremely horrible. I have to do it this way because I know that if I prepare for the best, I then feel 10x worse when I have to hold her down, pin her legs with my legs and let random doctors touch her. This was the case yesterday.
Here's a vision for ya. Me in a dental chair all the way back, holding Lilly on my lap, hugging her with a bear hug from behind and my legs crossed over her legs so she doesn't kick the hygienist. Crying, and screaming but still at least holding her mouth open long enough to let her get the look she needed. Once the hygienist touched her, it was meltdown city, although she was gentle with her(Sure let me be the bad guy holding her down and all while you gently check her out!) it was her gloves that I think threw her off. Then, here comes the polish. Can you say, meltdown 10x bigger? This poor child of mine, bit the polisher, but then slowly relaxed and although still crying, and trying to scream "No!" , she at least kept her mouth open a bit and they finished up. Well... at least for the next 5 minutes, the dentist has still yet to come in.
While I get her to settle down, which usually takes at least 15 minutes, only took 5 minutes this time, thankfully, only to have her freak out even more when the dentist had to have her sit back in the dental chair with me. Bless this dentists heart, allowed her to sit facing me in a regular chair, and laid her back into her lap and was basically the same chaos above but quicker.
All for no cavities and an A+ report for the preschool. They even invited her back. In 6 months. Now I know it's a necessity, and I am not saying I would neglect it getting done, but I just know that this will be a reoccurring story as the years go on. On the way home, I was watching her in the mirror and she just looked so spent and worn out. She was so tired, and fell asleep, but I can't help but want to just keep apologizing to her for the horrible day we just had. I felt so helpless seeing her like that. As a parent, you just want to keep them from the worst possible situations and I couldn't today. Because it had to be done. The things you have to do really bite some times!
1st Dental Visit..Check! Meltdown...Check!
I always prepare for the worst, hope for the best and when it's horrible for her, I don't feel extremely horrible. I have to do it this way because I know that if I prepare for the best, I then feel 10x worse when I have to hold her down, pin her legs with my legs and let random doctors touch her. This was the case yesterday.
Here's a vision for ya. Me in a dental chair all the way back, holding Lilly on my lap, hugging her with a bear hug from behind and my legs crossed over her legs so she doesn't kick the hygienist. Crying, and screaming but still at least holding her mouth open long enough to let her get the look she needed. Once the hygienist touched her, it was meltdown city, although she was gentle with her(Sure let me be the bad guy holding her down and all while you gently check her out!) it was her gloves that I think threw her off. Then, here comes the polish. Can you say, meltdown 10x bigger? This poor child of mine, bit the polisher, but then slowly relaxed and although still crying, and trying to scream "No!" , she at least kept her mouth open a bit and they finished up. Well... at least for the next 5 minutes, the dentist has still yet to come in.
While I get her to settle down, which usually takes at least 15 minutes, only took 5 minutres this time, thankfully, only to have her freak out even more when the dentist had to have her sit back in the dental chair with me. Bless this dentists heart, allowed her to sit facing me in a regular chair, and laid her back into her lap and was basically the same chaos above but quicker.
All for no cavities and an A+ report for the preschool. They even invited her back. In 6 months. Now I know it's a necessity, and I am not saying I would neglect it getting done, but I just know that this will be a reoccurring story as the years go on. On the way home, I was watching her in the mirror and she just looked so spent and worn out. She was so tired, and fell asleep, but I can't help but want to just keep apologizing to her for the horrible day we just had. I felt so helpless seeing her like that. As a parent, you just want to keep them from the worst possible situations and I couldn't today. Because it had to be done.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Not Me! Monday. :)
Lets not start off with the fact that I totally didn't do any laundry this whole weekend and we do NOT have 4 piles to do still tonight.
I also didn't not get my kids to take a shower last night or the night before. I also didn't make the husband do dishes 3 days in a row because I just didn't feel like doing them. Not me!
After putting up our Christmas tree Saturday night, I totally did not finish anything else decor related and left the living room a mess, to only leave it a mess another day yesterday. Nope not me!
I also haven't been waiting around all day to find the motivation to do the laundry, dishes, and picking up the living room, by wasting time online at multiple sites, and filling out mindless paperwork for
In closing I also did not let my kids stay in pajamas all day long Sunday, not even making them brush there hair or teeth. Nope Not Me!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Thanking God.
The morning started off by her just playing in a lobby type of area until the doctors and professionals finished up talking about each of the kids that were to be coming in for evaluations. There were 3 other children and they all seemed to play nicely. We were greeted by a Parent Mentor, who is basically another parent of a special needs child who knows what goes on in meetings and can answer most questions for you. She is there to help ask questions for you if you are not sure what you need to know. It was comforting to know there was someone else for you as a parent. Then they allowed all the kids into the playroom. The instant they said it was time to go play in the classroom, Lilly ran through all the people frightened, and said " Mama will you go in there with me?" I told her, "Of Course!" And we went in although when she was greeted by some of the other adults in there, she hid behind me and clammed up. Which for her, is the norm. I thanked God.
She was able to venture off once she saw the slide. She then soon was able to venture off without us, she slowly warmed up to the other kids, and started to talk to the other adults if they asked her questions. There were a few times, when we peeked through the window to the room to watch what she was doing. Eric saw her interacting with an adult and the adult went to touch her to redirect her to another part of the room, and she threw her hands up and told her " Nooooo!" She didn't want her to touch her at all. I chuckled and thanked God for it.
You know, I was really happy that she was having these reactions. I had asked God that morning to show them what hinders her learning. We go back on the12th to find out what they have decided for Lilly. I really hope they are able to help her with putting her into the special needs preschool. She would be in a class mixed with non special needs kids too. I know she is mentally able to excel. She already knows many many things. She really just needs a little help here and there to keep her going. I don't want her to fall back because of the fact that her body isn't working for her right now. She'll be okay if she isn't accepted, I will just have to work a little harder with her. I just hope that God has her plan in the acceleration lane. I really do Thank God for her. She's so cute and wonderful.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Without Therapy.
She has gone to take her nap, and then has a moment of her hands opening and shuting, then at the same time, she gets this really wide eyed look like she is out of control. This goes on for about at most,10 seconds and then she seems relieved. I then, deeply rub her arms, legs and back to help with her relaxing. She doesn't seem to be able to control these little bursts, but its usually when she is overly excited for something.
She went to build-a-bear workshop today. We got to the sound board, and she LOVED it. We made it through the stuffing part, then we went over to brush it, where the air comes out of the faucet. She freaked and ran. She wanted nothing to do with that bathtub. Thankfully no screaming, just running away saying "No!" .
She went to bed early at 6:30 and slept until 10. Then she ate some dinner and happily went back to bed. I know as she gets older it will get easier, its just now I have to be patient.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Good Morning Mama! Week 2
Sunday: "Uh Mama, I have Lilly's blanket. Oh and I am awake, can I have balonie for breakfast?"
Monday: " Oh Hi Mama, I woke up and saw Hannah's Big Ole Butt in here on my floor sleepin and the tv on. Then Lilly woke up and I asked her to come lay on my bed. We've been watching tv."
Tuesday: "Good Morning Mama, why is the bathroom light off? I'm going to use my Indian bag today at school.Okay?"
Wednesday: *hovering over my face literally I look like o-O * "Hi Mama, can I watch tv very quietly in my room? Uh is tomorrow two days from Thanksgiving?"
Thursday: "Hey Mama? *peers over me in bed* Can I go and watch tv upstairs? Me: "Uh yea quietly, that a sucker in your hand? Go put that in the garbage! Emma: "Uh I want to eat it?....for breakfast.."
Friday: " Hi Mama. Um Mama, do you think that Ms. Larsen will, before Christmas, dress up as Santa and give us presents? I think she will."
Saturday: " Mama.... mama? ... Good morning can I watch tv? Kay thanks!" *runs off* Me: " Uh I guess..."
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Naked Face Challenge.

Friday, November 18, 2011
New Feature! Good Morning Mama!
Monday, November 14, 2011
I heart Giveaways!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Weekend about Weekend Wonderfuls!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
What's new Wednesday!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Pumpkin Patch Trip

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Mummy Candy Bars Craft

Then I Glued some eyeballs. Nothing like feeling like you're being watched....

Friday, October 21, 2011
Better Days.
Pumpkin Crafts
Monday, October 17, 2011
Weekend Whoas
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Sunny Days.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
DIY Laundry Soap
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Prayers, Praying and God.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Snag of the week!
Here's a few pics of them.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The True Test: Chuck E Cheeses.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Touch this don't touch that.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Little Steps.
My child's world is very easily interrupted as with most kids with SPD worlds are easily interrupted. My husband who usually works the day shifts, had to work 2nd shift this week. This made her world topsy turvy. Friday-Sunday she kept asking for us to go to Appointments. "Appointment" usually is the term we use for Occupational Therapy (OT). She really wanted to go, which is NEVER in her plans. She usually is not a fan of doctor appointments, but then the light bulb flickered and she was really saying, "I want to go to Therapy!".
She goes to OT every Wednesday morning. She has good days with leaving my side, and some bad days. A good day is a day where she walks into the rehab room without any tears or sad faces. Last Wednesday was a whimpering day, after saying bye mama, and small lip pouting out, she went in. It was an emotional session. I could hear some crying, but not until she came back out to me at the end of the session did really show how conflicted her little body really is. Her crying, while saying " Mama I so happy! (enter hard crying and heaving) "So glad to see you Mama!" She had a hard time during her session. The previous week was fantastic. Even sat for a full 15 minutes to do an activity. No tears and no problems.
I noticed this week she found our hair brush. She started to rub various limbs and her belly with it on her own. It's not as soft as the Brushing brush we used for Brushing techniques at the beginning. We had stopped using it because instead of it calming her down, she would fight and fight it. She was doing it on her own, and paying attention to how it actually felt. I asked her to do it to me, and she did willingly. She was actually seeking it out. I had never seen her do this before. A little step in the right direction.
She also has been seeking smells. The other day Dad asked her why she had her sniffer on in the kitchen. She could smell the chicken cooking. He had sprayed body spray before work, and she went downstairs to sniff around down there too. She makes it obvious that she is actually seeking by sniffing loudly.
Saturday I tried putting her in big girl underwear, to help encourage her to go on the potty. I saw her grab herself, and took her right up. She fought me up until she got on the potty. She was okay with sitting there. No tears, and was excited for the "duck potty!" She actually went! She realized it was okay, and she actually went. I was so happy for her. She was so happy about it. Later of course she got busy and went in her panties, but it was okay, because she took litte steps and actually went in the potty!
At this time all I can ask for is little steps. Since we are waiting for an actual dx on her, and a full evaluation, we have really been trying the best we can to cope with her ups and downs throughout the days. Some days are better than others. I wish that I could have taken her to an appointment. Especially because, I wish I knew exactly how they did the therapies, so on the days she actually asks for the appointments, I could help her by trying those things. There's a lot of questioning myself. A lot of, "Am I enabling her reactions or am I helping her?" A lot of, " What could be triggering her?" and many "Why can't her sister's just understand, she can not handle that?"
You know they say that with some days kids will have a bad day after you have a bad day. I am sure that is amplified with kids who are SPD affected or on the Autism Spectrum. I hope that we can as parents can notice the tiny steps they make in progress. I find it very hard to some days. Though, there are those days where the little steps are so plain and simple, that you personally take a step back and realize, "It's really going to be okay."