Friday, January 13, 2012

Old Man Winter.

It's been an unusual winter her in Toledo, Ohio.  It's been 40's and slightly balmy. Our usual coldest two weeks of winter was suppose to be last week and the week before. It's been rubbing everyone the wrong way, because well we are used to having at least 5 inches of snow by now.  We're all ready for the winter to begin, and though we might not like it, other than the snow fun we can have, we know it's on it's way. But it's really taking FOR-EV-ER to get here.

Today we woke up to a dusting, and that was after the news channels made a huge deal, saying  2-4inches, to an hour or two later to just a dusting, maybe an inch. We've been having to listen to our kids, for weeks now, tell us  "WE WANT TO GO SLEDDING!!"  Heck, I even want to go sledding!  A little background here.  Each year that there was a substantial amount of snow, I was pregnant and couldn't go sledding.  To be honest here, I really am a fan of sledding. Now that my girls are all old enough, they are going to go out and have fun with Mom in tow now that I am not pregnant and have no other health problems! Can you say EXCITED!

So last year, we had this fun mess of snow for the first big snow.

You can definitely tell there was a good couple of inches there. It was close to a foot. My husband Eric is out there shoveling in that photo.  You can see Lilly, who was experiencing the snow for the first time last year, really enjoyed snow angels. She is even excited for the dusting of snow we got today.

All and all we are ready for some substantial snow. So Old Man Winter, Bring it!

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